Jan 13, 2019

Today is a good day to count our blessings. High on my list is laughter. When I am old and near my grave, and kids ask me what the secret to a happy marriage, loving family, and long life is, I will tell them to laugh. The ability to laugh when things seem shitty is what holds our family together. When Tony and Kiely were coming home from Reno last night, our sweet little yellow car took her last breath. She was a good car; battled our road for 5 years, took us on adventures to far away places, and never hid from me in a parking lot. How Tony and Kiely responded to the situation; with light hearted joking and laughter, allowed them to get through the experience without the burden of fighting, hurt feelings, or unnecessary stress. I am blessed with an awesome family. I am blessed with a lifestyle that challenges me to laugh more than I would like to sometimes. Living in the backcountry has taught us an invaluable lesson of life’s impermanence. Whether it’s lupine’s bloom, a bridge, or waiting for the tow truck’s arrival, nothing lasts forever. There’s always a sunrise to chase away the night, and a bluebird day waiting after the storm. So laugh. Laugh long and loud through the storm. And count that laughter, and the storm, among your blessings.